Python mac address random
Python mac address random

python mac address random
  1. #Python mac address random how to#
  2. #Python mac address random update#

  • clock_seq_hi_variant : Next 8 bits of id.
  • time_hi_version: The next 16 bits of id.
  • variant: It is a variant determining the internal layout of UUID.
  • version: It is the version number of UUID.
  • hex: Returns the random id as 32 character hexadecimal string.
  • int: Returns id in the form of a 128-bit integer.
  • bytes: Returns id in the form of 16-byte string.
  • UUID4 uses the pseudo-random number generators to generate UUID.
  • The UUID 3 uses MD5 hashing, and UUID 5 uses the SHA-1 hashing.
  • UUID3 and UUID5 use cryptographic hashing and application-provided text strings to generate UUID.
  • The uuid1 version uses the IEEE 802 MAC addresses.
  • UUID1 generates UUID using a Host MAC address, serial(sequence) number, and the current time.
  • RFC 4122 document defines three algorithms to create UUIDs. RFC 4122 is the standard and Copyright (C) of The Internet Society. RFC 4122 specification encompasses all the details and algorithms to generate the Unique Identifiers of all the versions.

    python mac address random

    The UUID module in Python implemented as per RFC 4122. Therefore UUID is beneficial where unique value is required.Also, the identifier does not duplicate one that has already been created or will be created to identify something else. When we talk about space and time, that means when UUID generated according to the standard.

    python mac address random

    UUID can ensure the uniqueness of Identifiers across all the space and time.Understanding UUID in detailĪ UUID is 128 bits long number or ID to uniquely identify the sensitive information or insensitive like files, users, resources, or information in computer systems.

    #Python mac address random how to#

    In this post, we will see how to use the Python UUID module to generate the universally unique identifiers. It provides uniqueness as it generates ids based on time, Computer hardware (MAC, etc.). Mac_table = net_connect.UUID stands for Universal Unique Identifier is a Python library that helps in generating random objects of 128 bits as ids. Net_connect = Netmiko( host= '', username= 'admin', password=password, device_type= 'cisco_nxos') Here is an example of your scenario (mac table to xls): import pandas as pd Hi I prefer using pandas for writing to xls.

    #Python mac address random update#

    You are advised to update your ntc-template library. I have seen that there is a BUG fix for ntc-template on GitHub since 2 months ago. # Please also post the result here (with masking the MAC addresses for confidential purpose) Print(output2) # Make sure you got the data return to you have all the mac addresses (not only 1 mac address per port) Try to add the below printing for troubleshooting To debug on the issue, you are advised to confirm the library ntc-template would return you a correct data. Your script have the correct logic to list out all the mac address per interfaces. Make sure the intention (space) in the above is correct. The objective is to put all the MAC addresses against an interface in column 11. The above writes to the excel file but only the last MAC address against an interface. Ws.cell(row = x, column = 11, value=macaddress) Ws.cell(row = x, column = 9, value=interface) Ws.cell(row = x, column = 8, value=interface) Ws.cell(row = x, column = 7, value=switchserialnumber) Ws.cell(row = x, column = 6, value=switchsiteaddress) Ws.cell(row = x, column = 5, value=switchsitename) Ws.cell(row = x, column = 4, value=switchcountry) Ws.cell(row = x, column = 3, value=switchregion) Ws.cell(row = x, column = 2, value=switchaddress) Ws.cell(row = x, column = 1, value=switchname)

    python mac address random

    Output2 = net_nd_command ("show mac address-table", use_textfsm = True) Output = net_nd_command ("show interfaces status", use_textfsm = True) If ws.cell(row=row, column=1).value = switchname: Wbwr = openpyxl.load_workbook("dot1x.xlsx") Logfile_open = open("dot1xLog - " + str(actual_time) + ".txt", "a") #Load the file portcounters to which the output will be written.Store the file in same directory where the script is or else define the path using oscwdĪctual_time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") Switch = ws.cell(row= row, column = 4).value Switch = ws.cell(row= row, column = 5).value Switch = ws.cell(row= row, column = 8).value Switch = ws.cell(row= row, column = 7).value Switch = ws.cell(row= row, column = 3).value Switch = ws.cell(row= row, column = 2).value Switch = ws.cell(row= row, column = 1).value Wbswitches = openpyxl.load_workbook("switchenv1.xlsx") Store the file in same directory where the script is or else define the path using oscwd #Load the Switch inventory file which has switchname in column 1 and IP address in Column 2. Following is current code.įrom netmiko import ConnectHandler,ssh_exception

    Python mac address random